Religious Education

at Netherton

At Netherton Infant & Nursery School we believe in a diverse community and part of that involves the teaching of RE so that our children have a better unprejudiced understanding of the world.

Across key stage one we teach following the Kirklees syllabus and teach about the two main religions Islam and Christianity. Alongside this we also talk about non-religious views and touch on the Hindu and Sikh religions if there are children of that religion in our school.

Learning is made fun and meaningful to the children and children at Netherton Infant & Nursery School really enjoy their RE lessons. It is a great opportunity to explore others beliefs in a safe environment and address any misconceptions that may arise.

We believe in teaching a non-biased opinion of the different religions so children are ready to face the wider community across Huddersfield and the world with understanding, respect and compassion for others’ beliefs.


What do you feel the value of having RE lessons at school is?  “Very high when it is taught as well as it is at Netherton. At only 6 years old, my daughter already has an excellent understanding of different faiths and is learning that difference is to be celebrated and enjoyed, not feared. Our world would be a better place if all schools could emphasize such learning at an early stage.”

A few of our favourite books in RE



